
Director and writer Julianne Donelle is based in Los Angeles.  Her dramatic thriller short film, Just A Drill, was recently selected for Short of the Week.  It won Best Drama at Female Voices Rock in New York, and Best Scripted Short at Flicks 4 Change.  Julianne has received Best Director awards at the Female Filmmakers Fuse Festival, and at the Global Impact Festival in Washington D.C. 

With a prominent theatre background and a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre, she has directed theatrical productions in Los Angeles with Ovation award-winning Coeurage Theatre Company including Assassins, Cannibal! The Musical, and Emilie: La Marquise Du Châtelet Defends Her Life Tonight.  

Most recently, Julianne has directed short film, Split Second, starring Jessica Parker Kennedy, and the darkly comedic experimental short, The Merry Man.  She is currently writing and developing feature horror films.

Photo by Greg Cohen

Photo by Greg Cohen


Best Director - Global Impact Film Festival - Just A Drill

Best Director - Female Filmmakers Fuse - Just A Drill

Best Drama - Female Voices Rock - Just A Drill

Best Scripted Short - Flicks 4 Change - Just A Drill

Discovery Award Nominee - Raindance - No Pillowfights